
Suki's replacement arrived?!

This morning a dark spotted cat was sniffing around near our kitchen door so I waved at it with all smiles, then quietly ran upstairs to get my camera. When I came down there was no sign of the cat so I moved to the dining room then there it was! I waved at it again and quietly moved back to the kitchen door and carefully and gently unlocked it and sneaked out to film this new feline visitor to our garden. This is the evidence but on this page the resolution has got so low - you might not be able to see the spots at all. But it is a spotted cat - either an Ocicat like Suki, or a Bengal like Cleo, my mom-in-law's feline neighbour. You just can't tell until you stroke the cat's outer coat. If it's silky and smooth, it's a Bengal. If it's rough, it's an Ocicat.

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