
apple & pear trees


Out of focus (sob)


The Yamato Dynasty photos

Mickey Mouse welcomed Emperor Hirohito in 1975.

The caption goes:
Imperial Fan: Emperor Hirohito was a lifelong fan of Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters. As a child he called his hobby horse Snow White (the Imperial Household Agency told outsiders it was called White Snow). When he made a state visit to America in 1975, Hirohito insisted on visiting Disneyland in California, where he signed Mickey's guestbook and purchased a Mickey Mouse watch, which he wore for the rest of his life. Hirohito died in 1989 and was buried with his Mickey Mouse watch still on his wrist.

My apple and pear trees


roses and my compost bin




Strange phenomena

How many times I try to post a comment, it ends up like a truncated one line:
See? Weird!
Once again:
Since 1990 I have used MS-DOS (later Windows) and Mac OS for technical translation and interpreting work. With more than 20 years of experience in personal computing, this is quite baffling.